Feel Good : Ces femmes partagent des photos de leur corps, après grossesse

Feel Good : Ces femmes partagent des photos de leur corps, après grossesse

Depuis quelque temps déjà, le mouvement du "positive body" s'étend sur les réseaux sociaux et de plus en plus d'influenceurs s'engagent à montrer la vérité en prônant le "no filter".

C'est principalement sur Instagram que la lutte du vrai s'exerce. Toutes ces personnes se battent pour la glorification du corps, quel qu'il soit ! Certaines femmes ont décidé de montrer leur corps post-partum, sans filtre ! Elles affichent fièrement leur ventre encore gonflé, leurs vergetures, la peau affaissée, ce nouveau corps qui représente finalement le miracle de la vie ! Pour toutes ces jeunes mamans, les diktats instaurés par internet ne représentent rien à côté du bonheur d'avoir fait la plus merveilleuse rencontre de leur vie, leur bébé ! Partez à la découverte de 20 clichés qui font du bien !
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Strong. Brave. Empowered. Beautiful. United. MOTHERS. • There is something really special about uniting together on our Motherhood journeys, supporting and empowering one another despite how different we may be in all of our journeys as Mothers. • Motherhood is one of the most challenging experiences I have ever faced. I’ve struggled in my own journey of highs and lows as a Mother. I’ve walked through postpartum depression and anxiety. I’ve faced feelings of uncertainty and questioned my value and if I really am enough. The truth is, most of us don’t have a clue what we are doing and I think that really is what Motherhood is. At times we are too hard on ourselves focusing too much on what we are lacking, but what about what we are doing great and amazing! • Last summer, my daughter almost drowned. I blamed myself for a long time. Yet, my daughter, helped change my perspective. Anytime she talks about her accident she says with the biggest smile, “Mama, you SAVED me!!” Perspective is everything in parenting. You are valued Mama. You are loved. You are meeting the hearts of your children every single day. Hard days happen, but Mama, you are doing great! • There is something that bonds every single one of us as Mothers, and it is the incredible and overwhelming love we share for our children. We all understand that kind of love. That kind of love unites and empowers us to encourage and love on each other! Keep you doing YOU Mama. • Bra/undies: @kindredbravely #bravemomsunite #BraveMomAd #BeBravely #KindredBravely #Ad • Check out the Kindred Bravely website using my link bit.ly/ThePerfectMom and use discount code "PERFECT20" to receive 20% for those in the US

Une publication partagée par Desiree Fortin (@theperfectmom) le

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Introducing: #HerBodyCan